InElementalbyDr Jeff LivingstonWhat Pregnant People Need to Know About CoronavirusAn ob/gyn summarizes the coronavirus advice for pregnant and nursing parentsMar 22, 20203Mar 22, 20203
InElementalbyDr Jeff LivingstonI Love You, Please Don’t Touch MeFor health care workers, ‘the simple act of coming home from work is now a potential threat to our loved ones’Mar 31, 20203Mar 31, 20203
InElementalbyDr Jeff LivingstonThis Is the Single Easiest Way to Help During the PandemicI wear a mask to protect you. Will you wear one to protect me?Apr 8, 20209Apr 8, 20209
InP.S. I Love YoubyDr Jeff LivingstonCelebrating New Life During the PandemicYou’re never alone in Labor and Delivery.May 12, 20202May 12, 20202
InBeingWellbyDr Jeff LivingstonThe COVID-19 Crisis in South Texas Spirals Out of ControlBorder Hospitals forced to turn patients away to dieJul 23, 202012Jul 23, 202012
InAge of AwarenessbyDr Jeff LivingstonSARS CoV-2: A Virus That Does Not Care About Your OpinionWhich side you are on makes no difference to COVID-19Jul 28, 20201Jul 28, 20201
InBeingWellbyDr Jeff LivingstonWearing a Facemask Cuts Your Risk of COVID-19 by 65%We knew masks protect others. Now we know masks protect you tooAug 5, 20201Aug 5, 20201
InElementalbyDr Jeff LivingstonWill COVID-19+ Moms Be Separated From Their Babies?An update on the current AAP recommendationsAug 11, 20205Aug 11, 20205
InCurated NewslettersbyDr Jeff LivingstonCovid-19 Shaming; How The Blame Game Hurts Us AllStigmatizing coronavirus infection inhibits society’s ability to stop the spreadAug 14, 2020Aug 14, 2020
InBeingWellbyDr Jeff LivingstonThe Placenta Protects Babies From Covid-19; Here’s HowThe placenta is missing the door and the key the virus needsAug 30, 2020Aug 30, 2020
InElementalbyDr Jeff LivingstonGreat News for Parents; Most Babies Born to Covid-19 Moms Do WellAn OB-GYN summarizes the coronavirus early researchOct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonCovid-19 Moms at Higher Risk for Preterm LaborAn Obgyn reviews the latest coronavirus research in pregnancyNov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonCOVID-19 Moms Are at Higher Risk for ICU Admission and ComplicationsAn Obgyn reviews the latest coronavirus research in pregnancyNov 18, 20201Nov 18, 20201
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonHere Is More Great News for Pregnant Women With Covid-19A new study shows encouraging outcomes for momsDec 7, 2020Dec 7, 2020
InBeingWellbyDr Jeff LivingstonPregnant Women Were Not Included in Covid-19 Vaccines trials.Much remains unknown about the novel coronavirus’s effects on pregnant women and babies. New research shows most pregnant women with…Dec 8, 2020Dec 8, 2020
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonShould a Covid-19 Vaccine Be Offered in Pregnancy? Doctors Say YesAmerican College of Obgyn states pregnant women shouldn’t be left outDec 15, 20201Dec 15, 20201
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonVaccine Refusal Will End When Businesses Start Telling People NoMarketplace solutions, not government actions will get us to herd immunity.Jan 12, 20215Jan 12, 20215
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonMoms Pass Protective Antibodies to Baby After Covid InfectionTwo new studies show COVID positive pregnant women pass protective antibodies to babies.Feb 4, 20212Feb 4, 20212
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonExperts Say Covid-19 Vaccine Is Not Linked to Miscarriage or InfertilityViral conspiracy theories have been debunked by OB-GYN physiciansFeb 15, 20213Feb 15, 20213
InMedium Coronavirus BlogbyDr Jeff LivingstonWhat We Know About Vaccination, Breastfeeding, and AntibodiesAn OB-GYN reviews the latest coronavirus research for lactating peopleMar 16, 20212Mar 16, 20212